
To The Author’s Information Rules for submitting, reviewing and publication of manuscripts in the journal approved by the editorial board

1. To publish a manuscript in the journal each author must provide the text in a type-written form and on an electronic medium (e-mail) to the following address: 630007, Novosibirsk, Krasnii prospect, 2, c. 105,e-mail:

2. The materials should conform to one of the scientific fields of use of results (according to branches of science), which determines the journal profile: pedagogical sciences (13.00.00), psychological sciences (19.00.00), philological sciences (09.00.00).

3. The manuscript is accepted for the review if it is written in accordance with the scientific fields of the journal and general requirements to the execution.

4. The presented material is recorded in the Editorial office for compliance of it with the scientific fields of the journal, stating delivery date, name of an author/authors, place of work, contacts for cooperation, material name, which is assigned a unique registration number.

5. The verification of the manuscript by the Antiplagiat system to establish the originality of the materials (only manuscripts which have at least 90 % of the original texture accepted for the publication in the journal).

6. The executive secretary of the editorial staff organizes the reviewing of the manuscript. Both members of the editorial board of the journal and recognized experts on the subject of reviewed manuscripts are involved in the reviewing.

7. The executive secretary is responsible for the time of the reviewing of the manuscript.

8. Provided material should have no less than one review.

9. The editorial board recommends using the traditional form of review. In the review the following components should be reflected: the relevance and the originality of the theme, its theoretical or applied significance, the validity of the conclusions formulated by the authors and their correlation with known scientific and methodological approaches, correct use of mathematical apparatus. There is also to mention a personal contribution of the author/authors to solving the discussed problem, the consistency and clarity of the presentation, the correct use of involved sources.

10. The manuscript is usually reviewed within 2 weeks .

11. The journal follows the rules of double blind (anonymous) review. The Interaction of authors and reviewers is implemented only through the editorial staff. The editorial staff reserves the right (in agreement with the author) of reducing the volume of the material and literary editing, as well as of the refusal to publish (on the basis of the review of members of the editorial board), if the article does not conform to the profile of the journal or it has quality problems in material presentation. Manuscripts rejected after reviewing are not considered once again. In case of article rejection the editorial board sends to the author a reasoned refusal.

12. In case of reviewer’s recommendations for revision based on the remarks of the manuscript, the text of the review is obligatorily sent to the author/authors without reviewer’s name.

13. The improved version of the author’s manuscript is to be submitted to the editorial board for reviewing for the second time along with its original version as soon as possible. The article, retained for a period of more than three months or requiring to be improved again, is reviewed according to the general procedure.

14. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author has the right to appeal to the editorial board with a reasoned request to send his manuscript for reviewing to another reviewer. Then the editorial board sends the manuscript for additional reviewing to experts or provides the author with a reasoned refusal.

15. Manuscripts previously published in other scientific journals are not accepted.

16. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made after receiving the necessary reviews on the submitted material by the editorial board.

17. The articles which are accepted by the editorial board are sent to the editorial staff to be prepared for the publication.

18. The editorial staff reserves the right of literary editing in agreement with the author.

19. All reviews remain deposited in the editorial archive for 3 years. If requested the Editorial Board sends copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.

20. The review is free, the fee isn’t paid.


Rules for publication of manuscripts

Content of the article

• The scientific articles which represent the main results of the research conducted by the author/authors, must conform to the profile of the journal and must not be previously published in other scientific journals, are accepted for publication.

• The scientific article must include the introduction with a formulation of the problem and actuality.

• Scientific significance. The article should contain the results of the research & studies, which are accompanied by the experimental data, statistics, generalizations of different views on this problem.

• Novelty and authenticity. The author offers the novelty containing in the article ,new scientific results or new interpretation and discussion of the famous ideas and facts.

• Pragmatism. A way of dealing with professional problems in a sensible practical way instead of following a set of ideas presented in the opus.

• Method or Меthodology of work. The system of practical methods and principles which include practical and effective recommendations how to do research.

• Credibility. Accuracy of provided information, citations, conclusions, interpretation of the expected results.

• Flow. Cohesion and coherence in the text.

• Distinctness. Clarity of terms and their explanations (citing reference in the text).

The scheme of the article

• Introduction and novelty. The importance of scientific studies, a new look at the problem.

• Меthodology of the research work. Reflecting the main content of the article (main ideas and results of the presented research of the author and previous research works of other authors on the chosen subject).

• Experiments. Interpretation, generalization and explanation of the data or comparison of the theories.

• Conclusions and recommendations. Answers to the questions stated in introduction, explanation of conclusions. The results can be presented in tables, schemes. The materials should conform to one of the scientific fields (according to branches of science), which determines the journal profile: pedagogical sciences (13.00.00),psycological sciences (19.00.00), philological sciences (09.00.00).

• The flow should be structured. It isn’t obligatory to emphasize the parts in the text.

• The choice of the material and its structure should be clear for both experts and non-specialist audiences.

Basic requirements for the materials

1. Articles for publication in the journal should be sent in printed and electronic versions.

2. The recommended volume of the article is from 5 up to 15 pages. The text should be typed in Word (not earlier than Word-98): Times New Roman, size – 12, line spacing – 1,5, margins – 2 cm on all sides.

Requirements for illustrations

• drawings, photos should be made in Adobe Illustrator 7.0-10.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0-8.0 and should be submitted as a separate file in TIF or JPG( format with a resolution of at least 300 DPI).

• All the tables, formulas and diagrams should be numbered, inserted in the text of the article or referred, for example: (see Tab.1)

The front page should include the following elements:

• information about the author (presented in the Russian and English languages) should include surname, first name, patronymic name (in full); position and place of work, academic or scientific unit: department, center, etc. (without abbreviations); academic title or status, academic degree; e-mail. For cooperating with the authors the editorial staff should be provided with telephone number (preferably mobile) and with home address with postal index (this information will not be published).

• The title of the article (both in Russian and English) should be informative, short and should reflect the essence of the thematic contents of the materials. In the title, the authors can use only standard abbreviations.

• Keywords (both in Russian and English) are 5-10 basic terms used in the article and they serve as a reference tool, which allows the reader to find the article rather quickly. Keywords should be given in the Nominative case.

• The Abstract in Russian should be designed in accordance with State Standard 7.9-95, State Standard R 7.0.4-2006, State Standard 7.5-98 with volume of 100-250 words (according to the State Standard it has 850 signs and not less than 10 lines). It is placed after the title and the author’s/authors’ name. It should disclose the structure of the article in brief (the relevance, the aim of the work, disclosure of the problem, the main parts of the article and methodology of work, it should be informative, meaningful and structured. Abbreviations and notation conventions are used in exceptional cases, or the authors should give their definitions at the first use.

• The Abstract in English is the main and almost the only source of information about the contents of the article and its research results for foreign scientists and experts.

• The References should be given in the order of the citation. The references are marked in the text through sequence numbers in square brackets. Reference to the page is separated from the reference to the source through the comma. For example: «Quotation» [2, 35].

• The list of references should include all the sources used by the author. References are given in accordance with State Standard 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of composition”. Links to Internet-resources are listed in the general list of references with the obligatory indication of the address of the site where this article is posted, and of the date it is submitted or of the date of the last check of the resource. The author is responsible for the reliability of information, the accuracy of citations and the references to official documents and other sources.

5. The authors of the articles are solely responsible for the content, accuracy of provided information, citations, references and bibliographical information.

6. The editorial staff reserves the right of reducing the volume of material and literary editing, as well as of the refusal to publish it, if the article does not conform to the profile of the journal or it has quality problems in material presentation.

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