The Art of Parenting, or Fictional School Stories

The article is devoted to the problem of generalization and presentation of the experience of teachers in the field of education of a growing person. The purpose of the publication is to uncover the value-semantic basis of the educational activity of a teacher, class teacher, emphasize the priority of a sensitive, meaningful, informal attitude of a teacher to his pupils. Main objectives: to focus on the holistic nature of professional experience in the field of education, the need for its systematic analysis without losing the individual author’s position as a teacher. The need for professional reflection, which makes it possible to transform the experience of educational activities, transforming it into a source of professional and personal development of a teacher, is being updated. The article presents the experience of teachers of secondary school No. 156 of Novosibirsk, accumulated in the framework of the consulting center "Educational competence of an educator: an open methodical school." Conclusions are made about the inextricable connection of the experience of educational activities with the personal and psychological characteristics of the teacher, with the conditions and microclimate of the educational organization in which he works. The ability to reflect and talk about education not with memorized stereotypical cliches, but with a living language that emphasizes the open, authorial nature of educational activity, is highlighted as one of the priority areas for the professional development of the educator.

Keywords: upbringing, experience of upbringing activity, upbringing competence of a teacher, professional and personal development of a teacher, effective forms of professional interaction.

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